Technique. Creativity. Attitude



Grades 2-6

Fall $345 Sept 3 - Oct 31 Mon & Wed 6-8, Sunday 3-4:30 PM
Capped at 25 wrestlers

Winter No practices outside of Friday Night Lives. Wrestlers should go to their school practices

Spring Folkstyle $180 March 31 - May 7 Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30-8PM

Capped at 80 wrestlers between 2 groups.

Summer $200 June 9 - August 1 Monday, Tuesday, Fridays 10-11:30am. All age practices. Practice times will have some changes during camps.

ALL IN Membership $170/mo Includes all practices for the year, pre-season camp, freestyle camp, all summer clinics, and 24-hour keyed gym access. For Winter, wrestlers will move into Advanced.

Our Intermediate room is for wrestlers who are past novice and ready to learn more advanced technique at a higher pace. This group is for 8u Open wrestlers and up. 8u wrestlers who are in their first and second year should be in our foundation room. We have a set curriculum and are focused on giving wrestlers a clear understanding of the techniques with the effort to progress wrestlers to our Advanced room quickly. There is a proficiency test for Advanced program comprised of skills and abilities including running a mile for time and being able to drill intermediate skills for 5 minutes intensely without guidance. At registration, you will sign-up for Intermediate/Advanced and coaches will determine the groups. Our Intermediate and Advanced practices will be run at the same time using our upstairs and downstairs spaces. These groups will come together for live depending on size and also for some technique sessions. We have to ability to shift wrestlers between Intermediate and Advanced at any time as long as their is space.

There will not be an Intermediate practice in the Winter as those not in Advanced should go to their school programs. If you register for All In, you will be guaranteed a spot in our Winter Advanced as long as your wrestler passes the proficiency test - if not, you will be refunded.

Newer wrestlers 3rd grade and up with average athleticism and focus will be able to pick up on the technique.