

September 8-October 13
Sundays 2-3 PM

4-6 Year-Olds

Our Roots class is a Pre-K through 1st grade class to introduce younger kids to the sport of wrestling. This is a fun workout with an emphasis on learning through games and movement.

Tumbling and Agility

  • Learn the basic rules of wrestling

  • Play wresling games (shoe lace tag, flag tag, sumo)

  • Learn basic techniques

    • Stance

    • Shooting

    • Sprawling

    • Half-Nelson

    • Stand-Up

  • Body weight strength exercise

What to bring:

  • Athletic clothing (shorts and t-shirt) without buttons or zippers

  • Wrestling shoes are recommended but not required

  • Headgear, mouthpiece, kneepads optional. Any of these are rare at Roots

  • Water bottle is optional. We do have a drinking fountain

Parents are welcome to stay or drop-off. Kids tend to be distracted by their parents. If your kid has a tough time with separation, I recommend ripping the band aid and dropping off.